Monday, January 4, 2016

Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian - Ellen Forney,Sherman Alexie

Title: Absolutely True Diary of Part-Time Indian
Author: Sherman Alexie
Publisher: Little, Brown, and Company
Page Count: 231
My Format: Hardback
Source: Public Library

     I admire Arnold aka Junior as a character. He starts out the story as the ultimate underdog. The great thing about him, though, is his humor, his attitude, the way he refuses to give up. Sure, he's a little delusional, but he keeps himself happy. :) Not once in this book does he run away from his problems, and he has a ton of them. He's a risk-taker and I love that about him.
     There are a lot of supporting characters throughout this story. My favorite has to be Roger. Yes, Roger. He doesn't play a huge role here. Actually, the story could very easily go on without him. The thing is, though, that he is the character that grows the most. He starts off bullying Arnold, but they grow to be friends. He helps hi out when he doesn't have to. He's kind to him.
     Gordy is also a wonderfully quirky character. I always like a genius and anyone who gets a book-boner.

     There are a lot of ups and downs through this story. There are deaths and victories. But everything is told with perspective of a nerdy, little underdog with more maturity than I'd anticipated from him. The story wouldn't have been the same without the humor. In fact, it would have been just plain sad. 

     While there is a stark contrast between the rez and Reardan, I think the people bring it together. Arnold makes some really good points about the parents of his white peers being less that active in their children's lives. I think this is universal. Despite Wellpinit having the corner on alcoholism in this book, the people really do care about each other. They build relationships. They know each other. They root for each other. There's kinship. I think this story proves that locale isn't everything.

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Corrupt by Penelope Douglas My rating: 4 of 5 stars View all my reviews